• Polishing time

    10-15 minutes

  • Difficulty



Do you have one or multiple pairs of leather shoes, but do not really know how to take good care of them? This guide will help you on the way. In three simple steps, we will explain to you how to clean, colour, shine and protect your favourite leather shoes. The first time you will probably take a bit longer to shine your shoes, but with a little practice you will become a shoe-shining expert in no time! If you are in need of a more in-depth guide be sure to check our advanced shoe shine guide.

Step 1.

Cleaning and conditioning

Start by removing all dirt and sand from your shoes with a brush or moist cloth. Apply Saphir Médaille d'Or Renovateur by using an applicator cloth. Make sure to distribute the cream evenly over the entirety of the shoe (except the soles). Allow the cream to soak into the leather for at least 5 minutes before brushing/buffing off any excess Renovateur cream. Renovateur will nourish the leather deeply. Let dry for five minutes and brush out using a horsehair brush.

Your shoes are now clean and nourished. In step 2 we will explain how to shine, recolour and give the basic level of protection to your shoes.

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Step 2.

Shining and recolouring

Apply some Saphir Médaille d'Or Pommadier shoe cream by using an applicator cloth or brush to evenly distribute the cream over the shoes. Allow the cream to be absorbed by the leather for about five minutes. Saphir Médaille d'Or Pommadier cream will nourish, recolour, protect and give a soft shine to your leather shoes. Brush your shoes with a horsehair brush to create a nice shine.

Tip: Depending on the damage or fading of the colour of your shoes you can apply + shine Pommadier cream up to three times to get better coverage.

After finishing with this step your shoes will be recoloured and have a nice matte shine. In the third and final step, we will discuss how you can waterproof your shoes and give them a high-shine finish.

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Step 3.

Waterproofing and high gloss finish

Use Saphir Médaille d'Or Pate de Luxe to create a waterproofing high gloss finish on your shoes. Begin by applying a very thin layer of Saphir Medaille d'Or Pate de Luxe shoe wax. Be sure to spread the wax over the shoes as thin as possible. Afterwards, shine your shoes with preferably a cotton cloth (or a brush) to shine up the wax polish on the shoes. For new shoes or shoes that haven't been shined recently, it can be beneficial to repeat this step once more after you are done.

Tip: Are your shoes fitted with leather soles? Then also give your sole edges a shine using Saphir Médaille d'Or Pate de Luxe.


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